Easy Picture Viewing

Don't forget, double click the photos to enlarge for easier viewing. As we get older we need big pictures and big print.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Groveville School ~ 1943 ~ 1944

1St Row

Arthur Inman
C. Ray Bell
Miss Elias’s (Teacher) niece
Loraine Engle
Anne Schroder
Rose (Sis) Sellers
Dick Inman
Muriel Becker
2nd Row

Walt Grove
Gerry Munson
Janis Riggs
Joan Laven
Connie DeMent
Bobby Chamberlain

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Groveville School Faculty

Mrs. Donehower - Miss Longstreet - Miss Elias - Mrs. Brecht

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mrs. Brecht

That's me top row, center, between Ron Robinson (dark jacket) and Walt Sehorn (white shirt with black collar.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Yardville School ~ 1937

This is the eighth grade at the old Yardville School, 1936~1937. For those that do not know the location of the school, it was on Route 25, now Route 156, between Yardville - Groveville Road (Church Street) and the Yardville - Crosswicks Road (Broad Street). It's across the road from Saint Elisabeth's and is now apartments.
This was most likely one of the last classes in the old school, as the new Yardville School opened in 1939.

Groveville School Kindergarten ~ 1958

As the photo says, this is the Groveville School Kindergarten class of 1958. As always, Miss Longstreet is the kindergarten teacher.By looking at this picture, all I can says is “Groveville sure has some good looking children” and you can tell they are from Groveville, they are all smiling.
I know all of these people, but can only name a little more than half. As you can tell by the cute little girl in the center with the blue jumper that skinned knee, it tells you we liked to play hard too, maybe a game of Tag or running for home during Hide & Seek. Maybe her big brother pushed her, I doubt it. Hey, I know her, I knew that smile was familiar, but then in Groveville we never forget each other.
Some of the people in this photo are not with us any more and that’s sad, because they left us too soon and they are missed.Most of these people have left Groveville, but some still come back when necessary, a funeral, a wedding, or Memorial Day Parade.
Just the other week I was at a gathering of people, not Groveville people either, and I overheard someone being asked where they were from, their response was “I have lived in Virginia for forty two years, but I am really from Groveville”. Kind of makes you smile to hear that.
Seated Left to Right: Jane Dwier, Lyle Mushinski, Linda LeJambre, Cindy Amico, Sandy Gagnon, and Charles Thompson.
Second Row Left to Right: Bill Rochford, Dave Lavelle, Cheryl Baiolotta, the next four are unknown.
Third Row Standing Left to Right: Dale Nugent, Mike Czako, Skip Carvale, Dave Gronostajski, Tom Weiss, Roxanne Shiarappa, Paul Simpson, Patty Bell, Glenn, Kelly.
Thanks to Tom Weiss for adding most of the names.